Thursday, 31 October 2013


Today's Delivery!

This has just arrived in today's post!
Tonight's reading with a pot of tea and a whole bunch of scrap paper!  Results to follow!

Origami Dinosaurs

I found these two truly awsome books on amazon in the secondhand section! i straight ways got stuck in and started creating! i started with e Dinosaur Origami book on the right! which is far to complicated for what i wanted but none the less i got stuck in!
I discoverd through this that u definatly need thin paper for origami, the thicker the paper the harder it is to achieve what it is you are building. below is proof of this, the brown thicker paper is very cumbersom and in the end the head was next to unachievable!


I moved onto a Diplidocus which was a much easier design but still very complex to achieve and after a few choice words and a faild attempt at a Tyranosaurus Rex (right) I decided that I needed to find a more simple way of achieving Dinosaur origami! 
The next book i used has proved to be much better and the designs are perfect i have throughly enjoyed playing around with my new herd of paper dino's! 

My move from here will be to incorporate my own design into an origami dinosaur as i would very much like for it to be one of the things included into my interactive dinosaur book!

A starting Point

After numoras Brain storms I Decided that Discovering the ways of paper and paper folding would be a good place to start. So using a book on pop up designing i started to create ideas from the book. Here is my first attempt at a dragon!
I found i needed to use a heavier paper as sertain aspects of it were two week his wings should have been in a more up right position! .....But he did fold and do everything else i was hoping for him to do!

So i Have been playing around with pop up books and how the paper moves within the book

The Reading List For Reasurch So Far!

Here is a list of books i have found and come across so far i have been busy reading them and creating from them to help me along my way! There are some truly inspirational and helpful books out there! i have highlighted the ones i am at the moment finding particualy helpful.
Paper Folding and Book Binding Books

  • The Bookbinding Handbook - Sue Doggott
  • The Handmade Book - Angela James
  • Making books that fly, fold, wrap, hide, pop up, twist and turn - Gwen Diehn
  • Pop-up Design And Paper Mechanics - Duncan Birmingham
  • Dinosaur Origami - John Montroll
  • Dinogami - Mari ono
  • Paper Folding Templates - Trish Witkowski
  • Everything you need to know to create your own pop up book - Ruth wickings
  • Illustrating children's Books - Martin Salibury

 Dinosaur Books
  • The Secrets of The Dinosaur World - Archie Blackwell
  • Discovering Dinosaurs - Dougal Dixon
  • A Concise Natural History - Fastovsky Weishampel
  • The Big Book Of Dinosaurs - DK Anggela Wilkes
  • My terific Dinosaur book - DK
  • A Gigantic book of Gigantic Beasts - Denny Robson

Inspirational books by other illustrators and authors!

  • Wizardology - The Book of The Secrets of Merlin
  • The Wounderful World Book - Kate Petty & Jennie Maizels
  • Secrets of the Dinosaur World - Archie Blackwell
  • The night before Christmas - Bruce Whatley
  • Goblin companion - Brian Froud
  • Sanowman - Raynald Briggs
  • Nightmare Before Christmas - Tim Burton
  • Christmas wish - 

The Idea!

The plan is to make a Children's book Based on Dinosaurs! The aim to reach is to try to produce a book with charm, tounge and cheek humor, and is exceptionaly tactile and interactive! I would like to include Things such as Pop up, slides, envelopes to open, things to unfold, things to do like stencils, origarmi and Posebly include Intructions on how to do things etc!

There is a lot to cover within this book so where to start from here would be of coarse a trip to the natural history museum, Where i found an abundance of inspiration, information and books on Dinosaurs and there lives!


So here is the first of many blogs! 
From here on in I will be recording my journey of Designing and making a children's book based on Dinosaurs!
You can follow me Through, step by step with my proses, through the good and the bad, following a proses of elimination and discovery!