Saturday, 2 November 2013

Getting it right!

Im finding with the siluetts getting the shape right is very Important as you can see below the angle of theTricerotops is slightly wrong and there for is not working to its best!

Perhaps he would work better if I included the whole body.

Today's Doodles!

I really like the idea of using mixed media in the book and id like to use silluets in it so I'm going to keep playing with them until I have found a way to incorporate them!

Use of a lightbox

 Using a Light box Most definatly has its uses, I have used it to copy down the base of the Dino's markings on to the square paper my next move is to design the markings properly by colouring in the squares in pen and ink, crayon and paint so i can decide on my final look. From here I will be getting the image onto the computer to print of the designs onto paper thin enough to make the dinosaur out of!
The markings onto working paper for the colour proses.

Use of the light box to get the exact positioning of the markings.

The Start of the Remaking of the Origami Dino!

The redesigning of the origami dinosaur is prooving a challenge and a long winded one at that! I have started by remaking and remaking the dinosaur so i can get a feel for the shape, I have then started putting markings on him and playing arouund with colour so i can see where about on the starting square piece of paper the markings for the dinosaur will be. Below are samples of the making of the paper dino and the rough mark making

Thursday, 31 October 2013


Today's Delivery!

This has just arrived in today's post!
Tonight's reading with a pot of tea and a whole bunch of scrap paper!  Results to follow!

Origami Dinosaurs

I found these two truly awsome books on amazon in the secondhand section! i straight ways got stuck in and started creating! i started with e Dinosaur Origami book on the right! which is far to complicated for what i wanted but none the less i got stuck in!
I discoverd through this that u definatly need thin paper for origami, the thicker the paper the harder it is to achieve what it is you are building. below is proof of this, the brown thicker paper is very cumbersom and in the end the head was next to unachievable!


I moved onto a Diplidocus which was a much easier design but still very complex to achieve and after a few choice words and a faild attempt at a Tyranosaurus Rex (right) I decided that I needed to find a more simple way of achieving Dinosaur origami! 
The next book i used has proved to be much better and the designs are perfect i have throughly enjoyed playing around with my new herd of paper dino's! 

My move from here will be to incorporate my own design into an origami dinosaur as i would very much like for it to be one of the things included into my interactive dinosaur book!

A starting Point

After numoras Brain storms I Decided that Discovering the ways of paper and paper folding would be a good place to start. So using a book on pop up designing i started to create ideas from the book. Here is my first attempt at a dragon!
I found i needed to use a heavier paper as sertain aspects of it were two week his wings should have been in a more up right position! .....But he did fold and do everything else i was hoping for him to do!

So i Have been playing around with pop up books and how the paper moves within the book